Tip number three of our bridal face tips. Direct to you from our friend and award-winning International freelance hair & make-up artist Verity Griffiths. This one might have to wait until after the festive season is done and dusted.  Happy holidays everyone! x


We all know what is actually good for us and what sucks. Let’s face it a bottle of wine every night isn’t what the body wants dumped in it and definitely isn’t a beauty tip anywhere in existence. I’m suggesting, however, GOING ALL THE WAY, what an opportunity! Apply what you know. Give your body, mind and spirit what it does actually want, you’ll see and feel the difference.

FOOD:  Just bloody stop it!  sugar -  wheat – diary – coffee – alcohol – inorganic everything – processed crap  (you’ll notice all lower-case because none deserve a capital!) Yes there will be headaches, the healing crisis, embrace it! Then there won’t be and the addiction will be gone and your body will be delighted.

SLEEP:  Get some before midnight (my personal challenge, SO boring), give the body the time it needs to do all repair work.

POWER DOWN:  Especially at night, power points unplugged and off and none near your head, move the bed if necessary. Minimise screen time to what you actually have to do (and be honest bitches).

POWER UP:  Feet on the earth or in the sea daily, did you know that is how your body resets your biorhythms (shit that’s messed up from all our modern technology, see above) and clears radiation by that simple technique? Amazing!

PEACE:  Massage, time alone, do nothing, smile, look at the dog for a bit, see above. Obviously removes stress and stressed people are always ugly and often sick.

EXERCISE:  Enough said, except… I’ve worked with many very famous sports stars. It used to surprise me how beautiful they ALL were, not just their bodies (which of course are in peak condition) but much more than that. Their skin their energy, eyes, posture all radiate in a way non-athletes simply don’t. It never surprises me now I expect them to be total babes! So, yeah, a definite beauty tip – SHAKE THAT ARSE LADIES!